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Frequently Asked Questions

Rude or impolite questions WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and WILL NOT BE POSTED!

Q: Why do you bother to make a GUI when Windows is made?
A: Why did Linus Torvalds bother to write Linux when Unix was made? Same reason. I write Millennium OS, because I know there are people who are interested in GUIs or would like to try something new for a change.

Q: Are all of your products FREE?
A: Yes! All of them are completely FREE! I am 14, and I can't afford to sell my products. They will probably stay free until I go to college. I don't even know if I'll still maintain this website by then, enjoy the next 4 years of this.
Q: When did you first start programming?
A: I did small petty programming in Microsoft's Visual C++, but I had a demo at the time so functionality was LIMITED. I guess I could say I started doing real programming in June/July of 2001. I was going into 6th Grade at the time.
Q: Why do you program computers instead of play sports?
A: That is not necessarily true. I do play Golf, but I program computers, because what is one of the main sources of industry? Computers. I think if I can program on a computer, I can both help people and make a good profit when I am older.
Q: What inspired you to program?
A: That's a good question. I first had a Gateway Celeron made in 1999, which had Windows 98/SE, and I was playing EA's Need-For-Speed, and I thought, "I wish I could create advanced 3D games like EA." I originally did WYSIWYG HTML Projects w/Multimedia for 5th Grade, and my friends were really amazed that I had the ability to do this. But, I wanted to write games to impress my friends and other people. I was browsing the web and by ACCIDENT, I discovered Game Maker, which had all of the necessary tools to write not 3D, but advanced 2D games, and it was FREE! I wrote games for a good portion of 6th and 7th Grade, but then Delphi caught my eye. I wrote programs in that for a long time, and I still do. And that is how I was inspired to program.
Q: What happened to your games?
A: I stowed them away on a CD, and I haven't made ANY new games since 7th Grade!!! I might start again later...
Q: Did you ever write 3D games?
A: Yes! I have Dark Basic's 3D Game Creation System, and I made a few games from that.
Q: Am I allowed to use Millennium OS in my products?
A: Yes! Millennium OS is allowed in your products, AS LONG AS IT IS NOT BEING SOLD OR COPIED FOR PROFIT! COMMERCIALLY ADVERTISING Millennium OS WILL VIOLATE THE LICENSE OF THE OWNER, MYSELF. But, if you were to use it for charitable reasons, or for a FREEWARE product, you are allowed to use it then. YOU CAN ALSO GIVE IT TO OTHER PEOPLE AS LONG AS THEY OBEY THE PRODUCT LICENSE ON THE "License" PAGE OF THIS SITE!
Q: Is M-OS a GUI or an OS?
A: M-OS, in retrospect, is pretty much, JUST A GUI. I have included a copy of FreeDOS, but it is not in a directory, except for the M-OS directory, and it is not setup for every PC. But, I'm working on it in M-OS Gold.
Q: Will there be a Millennium OS "2005" soon?
A: Well, that is really up to my new schedule. I hope to have it coded a month or so after the New Year, as sort of a more ACCURATE time for M-OS to be measured in coding time. I can't have M-OS done by December 31, or January 1, because I've already got plans for M-OS and new ideas to be coded into it, as well.
Q: How much money do you make from all of your work?
A: Nothing! I don't have stocks or a trademark, so all of my work is FREE! I like to keep my products free, because I think I'm paying back other businesses which give really expensive products away or even Open-Source! It's companies like Jordan Russell's Software, SourceForge, and ReactOS which help improve businesses!
Q: Why don't you write all of the programs you were said you would?
A: I think you read my Blog wrong. I didn't say I WOULD write them definitely, but I say I will TRY to write them. Since I'm still in High School, I have work to do besides my programs and Millennium OS. If there is demand for a program, I get to it immediately, but if it is just a small thought, I put it on my LOW PRIORITY list.
If you have a question for me, and you would like me to post an answer, email me at:

Data Components Software Development - 2004-2006